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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-118

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114 GENERAL LITERATURE The Terminal Fees are to be paid and the usual card of admission taken out upon the first day of each term Each Student of this Department on entering his second term contributes the sum of towards the "Donius" Fund of the College The College Cap and Gown which are worn by all Matricu- lated Students may be obtained from Messrs Cox and Son 28 Southampton Street Strand Boxes are provided in the Corridors of the College in which Students may keep their caps and gowns books &c See page 558 The Books used in the Collesre and Stationery of all kinds may be obtained in the Secretary's Office THE FEES FOR ADMISSION TO SEPARATE COURSES ARE Term Per Ann ClassicalLiterature ne each lvvo Hours each Day ן One Η our eacli Day Mathematics Τλυο Hours each Day Modern History י English Language and Literature French Language German Language Geography Logic Metaphysics Political Economy £ Λ 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 υ ן 11 11 11 ο 12 Italian Professor Perini Chinese Professor Douglas Matriculated Student of one of the Morning Classes of the College may take any Class in one of the other Morning Departments on payment of half the specified fee
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