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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-112

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108 GENERAL LITERATURE variations in so far as it is deleterious may next be remedied By the adoption of Bimetallism Or by some such correction as Jevons proposed under the name of Tabular Standard The books recommended are for beginners Jevons' Scienti- fic Primer of Political Economy Macmillan and Symes's Short Text book of Political Economy Rivington's For more advanced students Prof Marshall's Economies of Industry Prof Sidgwick's Principles of Political Economy It will be possible to attend the lectures in any term with- out having attended those of preceding terms Fees for one term £1 16 or £2 12s 6d for the yearly course III REGULATIONS RESPECTING STUDENTS The days for the admission of new Students in the Aca- demical Year 1888-89 are Tuesday October Wednesday January 16 and Wednesday May All new Students are examined on their joining the College with the view of ascertaining that they are sufficiently advanced to enable them to take advantage of the College classes The Principal and Professors have the power of sending back for time any who may be considered unqualified for admission The Mathematical subjects are Euclid Books II Arith- metic and Elementary Algebra including simple Equations The Examination in Classics will be in Grammar and in passages to be translated from Standard Greek and Latin authors also an easy passage for translation from English into Latin prose II One Exhibition of £50 given out of the Sambrooke Trust will be awarded to the Student who passes the best examination in Classics on entering this Department in October 1888 provided he is under seventeen years on October See page 127 III The regular work of the Term will begin on Thursday October Thursday January 17 and Thursday May on which days all Students are required to be present in Chapel
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