Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 110
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106 GENERAL LITERATUR -Ge gratiiv Saturday from 12 30 to 30 In the Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms second course In this course systematic analytical description will be given of each of the great masses of land This is intended to lead up to consideration of the physical conditions under which different states of civilization exist in the several parts of the world The geography of European countries will be examined in relation to the influence of coast lines on fishing and commerce influence of geological structure on mining and agricultural industries produce and supply of raw material in relation to manufactures grouping of population in rela- tion to industries national characteristics habits institu- tions education government colonies and these subjects will be examined first in their national aspects and then as bearing upon international relations America and the Australian regions will be examined chiefly as illustrations of the ways in which institutions and characteristics of different European peoples have become modified under altered physical surroundings in the several states and as exemplifying the basis for the commercial relations which give the countries international importance Those parts of Asia and Africa which are more intimately connected with Europe will also be described In the Summer short course of lectures on Practical Geography will be given on Saturday afternoons in the open country in connection with the Field Class conducted by Professor Seeley 10 -Political Economy Lectures on this subject will be given every Wednesday from to during the Academical year 1888-9 It is hoped that these lectures will be found serviceable to many business men whose interest in their work extends
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