Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 99
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theological department 96 for The outlines of the History of the English Church with special reference to the period from the accession of James to the Restoration for voluntary Paper on Elementary Hebrew with passages for translation from Deut --xi IV rules as to graduates and deacons Graduates in Arts of all British Universities Having produced evidence of their Degree Having shown sufficient general knowledge of the subjects specified in Clause of the arrangements of the Bishops at page 92 and having passed satisfactory examination in the Greek Text and the subject matter of the Acts of the Apostles are admissible as Matriculated Students and may obtain the Theological Testamur and Associateship of the College after three Academical Terms on duly passing the Final Examination Persons in Deacon Orders are admitted under similar conditions UtJLES for non-GRADUATES The regular course of instruction for Non-graduates requires an attendance either of six terms two years in the Morning Classes or of six terms two years in the Evening Classes followed by three terms one year in the Morning Classes All applicants for admission except Associates in the Department of General Literature and Science are required to pass an Entrance Examination in the following subjects The Gospel according to St Matthew in Greek General Scripture History
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