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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-732

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Page content

736 INDEX page Medical Department- continued Endowed Scholarships 275 Sambrqpke Registrarships 2S6 Medi al Scholarships 290 Class Prizes 299 Clinical Clerks &c 301 Medical Society 316 Resident Officers of Hospital 318 Prizemen 320 Assist Officers of Hospital 321 Names of Students 323 Medical Library- Regulations 249 Medical Society 816 Medical Tutors 245 Medicine Principles& Practice of- Lectures 241 Fees 259 Hours of Attendance 262 Metallurgy Morning Class- Lectures 193 Fees 203 Hours of Attendance 206 Metallurgy Evening Clasc- Lectures 407 Fees 415 Hours of Attendance 418 Metaphysics- Lectures 90 130 Fees 105 138 Hours 106 140 Midwifery- Rules for Students 313 Mineralogy Morning Class- Lectures 129 190 Fees 138 202 Hours of Attendance 140 206 Mineralogy Evening Class- Lectures 399 Fees 415 Hours of Attendance 418 Museum King George III 219 Anatomy Materia Medica 247 Music Theory and Practice Lectures 103 Fees 105 Hours of Attendance 106 Names of Past and Present Staff 41 Names of Students and Pupils- Theological Department 123 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 165 Dep of Engineering 230 Medical Department 323 Evening Classes 461 The School 544 page Natural Philosophy- Lectures 127 173 Fees 138 140 Hours of Attendance 203 206 New Shakespearian Society- Prize 129 Obstetric Medicine- Lectures 242 Fees 259 Hours of Attendance 262 Occasional Students- General Rule 88 Officers of the College Names of 75 Old Boys' Club 528 Ophthalmology- Lectures 244 Ophthalmic Dressers 310 Oriental Section 167 Pastoral Theology- Lectures 89 Fees 105 Hours of Attendance 106 Pathological Anatomy- Lectures 243 Fees 259 Hours of Attendance 262 Photography- Instruction 191 Fees 203 Hours of Attendance 206 Physics Morning Class See Natural Philosophy Physics Evening Class See Practical and Experimental Physics Physical Laboratory- Instruction 177 Fees 203 Hours 206 Physician's Assistant- Regulations 305 Names of 318 Physician-Acc Assist- Regulations 307 Names of 318 Physiology Medical Dep Lectures 236 Fees 259 Hours of Attendance 262 Plumptre Prize- Endowment 81 Rules 115
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