Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 725
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CARTER PRIZE 729 ן IF -Clastfification of Plants Give the essential characters of the classes Dicotyle- dones and Monocotyledones and of the series Thalamiflorae Disciflorae Calyciflorse and Dicarpise of Bentham and Hooker's System Enumerate the natural orders containing British plants of the Corolliflorae which have inferior ovaries Describe the inflorescence and flower of Grass and snew how plants of the Graminaceae may be distinguished from the Cyperaceae What are the distinctive characters which separate the Iridaceae from the Orchidacese Amaryllidacese and Melanth- acea3 Give the essential characters of the following natural orders Papaveraceae-Malvaceae-Leguminosse-Composite -Onagraceae-Priinulaceae Solanaceae-Scrophulariaceae- Boraginacese-Liliacese To what natural orders would plants presenting the following characters belong Flowers bisexual dichla- mydeous Calyx persistent Stamens hypogynous distinct anthers adnate Fruit apocarpous follicular Seed albuminous Leaves opposite Inflorescence definite Flowers dichlamy- deous Stamens few hypogynous Ovary stalked Seeds albuminous Leaves alternate Inflorescence indefinite Corolla gamopetalous regular Stamens epipetalous Ovary superior celled placentation axile Seeds numerous albuminous
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