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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-723

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 727 When is compound said to be endothermic Give examples certain weight of mineral was fused with sodium carbonate treated with hydrochloric acid evaporated to dryness washed with water and dried when its weight was found to be the same as at first Name the substance and explain the process How is fluorine obtained Mention its most important properties Point out the difference between monobasic dibasic and tribasic acid and give examples Two cubic centimetres of gas were mixed with one cubic centimetre of oxygen and shaken with potash which did not absorb any of the gas the mixture was then subjected to an electric spark which caused explosion and reduced the volume to cubic centimetres which were completely absorbed by potash Name the original gas IV -&0tan2h Define the following -protoplasm-ectoplasm-prim ordial utricle fundamental tissue meristem phloem phellogen-and aleurone grains Describe hyphal tissue and mention the plants where it is found Define the following terms as applied to leaves peltate decussate cataphyllary amplexicaul serrate pinnate pinnatifid pedatifid biternate decompound ligule and phyllode Define the following terms as applied to the stamens adnate versatile extrorse hypogynous gyandrous mon- adelphous syngenesious and tetradynamous Define the following fruits -drupe follicle legume siliqua capsule and pome What is pseudocarp Describe the specimen before you in technical language and in the proper sequence of its parts and organs
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