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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-720

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724 SECOND YEAR SCHOLARSHIP -Shiatomp Describe the steps of the dissection by which you would fully expose the splenitis capitis et colli muscle Give its attachments and actions What structures would be exposed on its removal Give the origin course and distribution of the spinal accessory nerve Enumerate the foramina in the middle fossa of the cranium and mention the structures passing through each foramen Describe the anatomy of the penis and of the muscles acting thereon Compare the arterial distribution in the palm of the hand with that in the sole of the foot IL- Pijpaiulogp Describe tbe histology of lobule of the liver and give an account of the source and physiological application of glycogen What are the requirements of an adequate dietary for healthy adult man Discuss the nitrogenous metabolism in starvation with adequate and excessive diets Describe the nervous mechanism of the heart and indicate any points of similarity between it and that con- trolling the blood vessels and other viscera Give an account of the changes that occur in skeletal muscle when passing into the active state Mention the methods by which attempts have been made to trace the course of various kinds of imoulse in the spinal cord and the results which these investigations have led to Illustrate your remarks by diagram of transverse section of the cervical spinal cord
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