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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-719

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 723 coughed much On the side affected there was bulging of the intercostal spaces dulness on percussion and little breath sound surgeon was sent for who performed an operation with some slight relief At the end of week the symptoms increaeod there was much cough and purulent matter and the weaknesH was more marked The surgeon performed another operation with immediate relief to all the symptoms and the patient began to rally Gradual improvement took place and ultimately the patient completely recovered State what the conditions were what was the nature of the two operations what was the cause of the want of success in the one and what the treatment was after the second to ensure perfect recovery -obstetric ftUWrfnf State what you know of the causes pathology and prevention of 11 Puerperal Septicemia Describe the conditions for which the removal of the ovaries and uterine appendages by abdominal section has been recommended and give an estimate of the value and limitations of the operation Describe Empyema" in children its symptoms dif- ferential diagnosis and treatment VI jpbreiH iHctttrine Describe The signs of Maturity Live Birth The signs of death from drowning The methods of detecting antimony in the liver The symptoms and method of detection of poisoning by belladonna ζ
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