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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-717

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CLOTHWORKERS' SCIENCE EXHIBITIONS 721 Mention the various sub-divisions of the Jurassic strata Refer to the Silurian system with regard to its outcrops in England and Wales 10 What formations are passed over in travelling from Londcn to Brighton by railway Draw rough section of the deposits traversed by the train VII The same Papers as were set for the Clothworkers Exhibition as far as applicable VIII SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP -ίϊΙΛίαηε What changes take place in the course of catarrhal inflammation Illustrate your remarks by referring to several mucous membranes Discuss the treatment of acute inflammation of the kidney Give an account of any case of sore throat you have seen in the Wards during the present session What pathological changes would account for ptosis in the left lid ζ ζ
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