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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-704

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708 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS VI -Etb XXII Translate Consules deinde Fabianis artibus quum debellare possent bellura traxisse Id foedus inter omnes nobiles ictum nec finem ante belli habituros quam consulem vere plebeium id est hominem novum fecissent nam plebeios nobiles iam eisdem initiates esse sacris et contemnere plebem ex quo contemni patribus desierint coepisse Cui non apparere id actum et qusesitum esse ut interregnum iniretur ut in patrum potestate comitia essent Id consules ambos ad exercitum morando quassisse id postea quia invitis iis dictator esset dictus comitiorum causa expugnatum esse ut vitiosus dictator per augures fieret Habere igitur interreg- num eos consulatum unum certe plebis Romanaa esse populum liberum habiturum ac daturum ei qui mature vincere quam diu imperare malit Explain the terms patres-homo novus-plebeii nobiles Mention the chief concessions by which the new nobility was formed Derive duellum-manes-omen Explain the forms clepsit-duit-faxit Γ Explain the following punica religione-infesto veni- enti in comitium et curiam ver sacrum ex civibus sociisque-busta Gallica-propius oceanum-prorogato post consulatum imperio-institor mercis-juri dicundo urbana sors mediusfidius macte virtute proedibus ac prcBdiis cavendum Translate into Latin 1e top of the hill was seized by the allies this was of great use to the fifth legion which was stationed below near the river Liris He said that the Romans wished to enslave them that they purposely found reasons for war that they might take away their liberty
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