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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-702

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706 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS IV £ngltitf Mov$ 1603-1642 Describe the foreign policy of James What is an Impeachment How does it differ from an Attainder Under what circumstances was Impeachment revived in this period Give list of persons impeached and attainted Give list with dates of the Parliaments called by James and by Charles Write an account of the relations between England and France at the beginning of Charles 's reign Give an account of each of the following Hampton Court Conference-Petition of Right-Histriomastix-the Court of the Star Chamber What is meant by the Court of Exchequer Chamber When do we hear of it in Charles 's reign Give details and date Write an account of ecclesiastical affairs in Scotland during this period Write short history of Irish affairs from 1603 to 1641 Mention any famous authors who lived in this period with the works they then wrote Who is Shakespeare's authority for the facts of this play Show how closely he follows him What means are there of settling the date of the com- position of Coriolanus Describe and discuss the character of the central figure Also discuss the characters of Menenius Volumnia and Aufidius What sense can you make of these passages Ο me alone Make you sword of me When steel grows soft as the parasite's silk Let him be made coverture for the wars
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