Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 663
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 667 93aterlanb gujutoenben Hnter ben Setben etner brutf enben ranifyeit unter ber Saft ber Sirmutfy ber a$tung ber SSerfoIgung fcfyrttt er obne SSanfen auf feiner 33afm boran Urn ber 33erfolgung gu entge en fio er in bte cfytoeig too er 1523 in feinem fed unb brei igften Seben jai re ftar& ein SBafyifprud toar Φ ί α£ getoagt Translate into German At Louvain the five military guilds held solemn festival The usual invitations were sent to the other societies and to all the martial brotherhoods the country round Gay and gaudy processions sumptuous banquets military sports rapidly succeeded each other Upon the day of the great trial of skill all the high functionaries of the land were according to custom invited and the Governor was graciously pleased to honour the solemnity with his presence Sir said the youth on his return to his royal master's side "forgive me for what have done but when saw the enemy was changing his line made corresponding change in your Majesty's orders Gustavus made no answer at the time but in the evening when the page was about to serve the table as was his wont Torstenson was commanded to sit down at the king's side when the monarch threatening him with his hand said Young man what you did this morning might have cost you your life but see that you have the qualities of great general and make you an ensign in company of my Guards The university of Berlin was founded in the year 1810 by Frederick William the Third All came to meet the stranger and greeted him with frankness as if they had known and loved him for years
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