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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-661

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 665 Translate into modern English with any notes that seem to you required Da Jnihte him to huxlic a3t he hiran sceolde &nigum hlaforde ba he swa aenlic waes and nolde wurfcian one Je hine geworhte and him ancian sefre &3es Je he him forgeaf and beon him underload a3s $e swij 0r geornlice for are mice an maerSe Je he hine gemsefcegode Enoh wses geciged se seofofca mann from Adame he worhte Godes willan and God hine $a genam mid ansundum lichaman of isum life upp and he ys cucu git swa swa Helias se segela witega Je wa3s ealswa genumen to Jam oSrum life and hi cumaS begen togeanes Antccriste Jast big his leasunga alecgon Jurh God and beo ponne ofslegen Juih Sone sylfan feond and hi eft ansa's swa swa ealle do What were the circumstances of the battle of Maldon What East-Anglian warriors are specially mentioned By whom were Northumbria and Mercia represented 10 Shew how the Maldon poem illustrates tenth-century life in England 11 Translate with grammatical notes Ne Jnirfe we ns spillan gif ge speda to Jam We willafc wi$ Jain golde gricS faastnian hi aet ongeaton and georne gesawon Jaet hi Jnfer bricgweardas bitere fundon ongunnon lytegian pa laSe gystas ba3don Jset hi upgang agan moston ofer Jone ford faran fofcan lsedan se eorl ongann for his ofermode alyfan landes to fela latere Seode Sende $a se sserinc suberne gar 8et gewundod wearS wigena hlaford he scoaf Ja mid $am scylde a3t se sceaft tobsersf and aet spere sprengde a3t hit sprang ongean Gegremod wearfc se guSrinc he mid gare stang wlancne wiring him pa wunde forgeaf Hi bugon Ja from beaduwe 8er beon noldon ser wurdon Oddan beam merest on fleame
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