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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-655

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 655 tantes Quidarn occupatis proximis rivis deverterant longius ut quidquid occulti humoris usquam manaret exciperent nec ulla adeo avia et sicca lacuna erat ut vestigantium sitim fal- leret Iamque ingens multitudo fugientium oneraverant pon- tern et plerique cum hostis urgeret in flumen se praecipita- verant gurgitibusque hauriebantur Alexander instantibus suis impune abeuntem hostem permitteret sequi hebetia esse tela et corpora tanto cursu fatigata excusavit Re vera de laevo cornu quod adhuc in acie stare credebat sollicitus re- verti ad ferendam opem suis statuit Iamque signa conver- terat cum equites Parmenione missi illius quoque partis victoriam nuntiant For Latin prose In far different plight and with far other feelings than they had entered the Pass of Caudium did the Roman army issue from it again upon the plain of Campania Defeated and dis- armed they knew not what reception they might meet with from their Campanian allies it was possible that Capua might shut her gates against them and go over to the victorious enemy But the Campanians behaved faithfully and gene- rously they sent supplies of arms of clothing and of provisions to meet the Romans even before they arrived at Capua they sent new cloaks and the lictors and fasces of their own magis- trates to enable the consuls to resume their fitting state and when the army approached their city the senate and people went out to meet them and welcomed them both individually and publicly with the greatest kindness For Latin prose Scipio having landed his troops in Africa gave them some days' rest and then marched towards the city of Utica The Carthaginians having heard that he had pitched his camp mile from this city resolved to prevent him if possible from proceeding farther Hasdrubal was ordered to hasten to the assistance of his country and till he shonld arrive Hanno was commanded to watch the enemy's motions Hanno's troops however were so few that Scipio was surprised they should be opposed to Roman army and jeeringly asked
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