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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-654

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G54 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Describe the course of St Paul's second Missionary Journey It is slated that on his second journey St Paul was for- bidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia Mention other instances of the express direction of the Holy Spirit recorded by St Luke Mention and explain the various persecutions which St Paul suffered during his second Journey showing the reasons for the opposition which he encountered from Jews and Gentiles respectively Explain the argument of St Paul's speech at Athens 10 What was the special characteristic of St Paul's teaching at Corinth and what was its fitness for the condition of the Corinthians 11 Illustrate the nature of St Paul's ministerial work from the first Epistle to the Thessalonians 12 Narrate briefly the course of St Paulrs life from the commencement of his third Missionary Journey and illustrate its spirit from his later Epistles II -Eattn CrandTatton Translate Darius paucis fugae comitibus ad Lycum amnem conten- derat quo traiecto dubitavit an solveret pontem quippe hostem iam adpropinquare mintiabatur Sed totmilia suorum quae nondum ad amnem pervenerant ponte rescisso videbat hostis praedam fore Abeuntem cum intactum sineret pontem dixisse constat malle se sequentibu iter dare quam auferre fugientibus Ipse ingens spatium fuga emensus media fere nocte Arbela pervenit Alii qua brevissimum patebat iter alii devios saltus et ignotas sequentibus calles petebant Eques pedesque confusi sine duce armatis inermes integris debiles implicabantur Deinde misericordia in metum versa qui sequi non poterant inter mutuos gemitus deserebantur Sitis prae- cipue fatigatos et saucios perurebat passimque omnibus rivis prostraverant corpora praeterfluentem aquam hianti ore cap-
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