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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-653

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 653 Km KV1 XIII fifUtap&sStc Mention some of the arguments for and against וןת The evolution of species τα δ The evolution of life What is the difficulty in regard to ζ original homogeneity Write short criticism on Natural Law in the Spiritual ן ז World Examine the arguments that the regularity of Nature ΙΨ and that the waste and suffering of Nature disprove the existence of God How must the argument from design be modified so as to harmonize with modern science 7a Of 109 11 Op ft I'd 01 ro 01 Γί II Hejmrtment of Senegal Sitmtuw mtf kmc -Btbtmt Narrate the chief incidents in St Paul's first Missionary Journey Explain the argument of St Paul's address to the Jews at Antioch in Pisidia Lo we turn to the Gentiles י What was the occasion of this declaration In what respects were the Gentiles in city like Antioch in Pisidia prepared to welcome St Paul's What was the occasion of the first Christian Council What illustration of the method of the Holy Spirit's action upon the Church is afforded by the fact of such Council being held State and explain the decrees of the Council
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