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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-650

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650 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT decline adding the names of some of their principal Preachers In what various ways were the changes of the sixteenth century foreshadowed by the preaching of such men as Eckart and Tauler Wiclif and Hus Gerson and Savonarola 10 Write brief essay on the use of patristic and mediaeval sermons by the modern preacher or on the lessons and warnings to be gathered from study of the History of Preaching XT -K $ra1 tr4300fe Translate Sacerdos ante orationem praefatione praemissa parat fratrum mentes dicendo Sursum corda ut dum responds plebs Habemus ad Dominum admoneatur nihil aliud se quaru Dominum cogitare debere Whose testimony is this Supply other evidence to show the early use of these forms in the East and give their Greek equivalents Under what names was the jyraefatio known in Gaul and Spain How many proper prefaces' remain in the English Prayer-book which have we lost Comment on the words -'Our sinful bodies mado clean by His Body and our souls washed through His most precious Blood' and compare the Words of Administration as they stood in 1548 and stand now Compare the English liturgy with other liturgies in the following particulars the words used in commemorating the institution-the fraction of the bread-the disuse of certain other ritual acts-the place of the Lord's Prnyer and Prayer of Oblation Examine and defend the ruling of the Prayer-book with regard to the delivery of the Communion in both kinds and its reception by the people all meekly kneeling Relate the history of the Declaration on Kneeling and comment on the words thereby no adoration is intended unto any Corporal Presence
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