Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 561
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fellows 061 To former Students of the College or School who have onferred honour on King's College by their after-acquired istinctions The number of former Students so elected is not to exceed hree in any year To those who have served offices in the College or chool and have materially benefited King's College by their ervices- To former Students or Pupils elected to Professorships oiher high appointments by the Council The Principal and Heads of Departments submit in May each year to the Council the names of those considered them to be deserving of this distinction and the Council lect at one of their meetings before the close of the academical year The King's College London Act 1882 incorporates 11 Fellows of the College as members of the Corporation names of fellows ames Edwin Thorold Rogers formerly Student now Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics First Class Oxford 1846 Arthur Cayley Μ Α formerly Student Senior Wrangler 1842 Late Fellow of Trinity College now Sadlerian Professor of Mathematics Cambridge Sdward Hayes Plumptre formerly Student late Chaplain and Prof of the Exegesis of the New Testament Double First Class Oxford 1844 Late Fellow 01 Brasenose College and now Dean of Wells
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