Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 547
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Page content
THE SCHOOL 547 Jones William Prowse Keevil John Joyce Kemp Fleming French Kemp Ralph Olantigh Kemp William Edelman Kennaway Gerald vennedy Archibald John Kirk Alan Kirk Frank Vernon Kirk Harry Bertrand Kirk John Knowles Charles George Knott Stanley Edward jadds George Reid ake Alfred James jake Launcelot Freeman jambert Joseph Alfred lender Charles Edward zander Cuthbert William arge Arthur Edward jatchford Edward Percy jee Harrie Alexander jeefe Basil jeefe Lawrence Noel jees Arthur Tyndall jees William Edwin ewin Alfred Henry ight Percy -indsay Patrick Charles iindsey Charles Deane jloyd Einest Alfred joader James Frederick jong Arthur Spencer onsdale John Frederick umsdon George lUmsdon Ralph Horace utwyche Harry yle Herbert Willoughby MacAndrew John Ramsay McBean William McLeod Roderick Alexander Macdonald Peter Martin Macfarlane Rienzi Walton MacGregor Arthur Robert Machin Bertram William MacKenzie Kenneth Thomas MacKinnon Albert Edward MacKinnon Frederick Alex Mactaggart James Guthrie Maitland Horace Marsden Benjamin Anderton Marx Rudolph Jacob Mather John Matravers Ernest Edward Matravers Herbert Henry Michie Arthur Alexander Millie David Arthur Milner Herbert Octavius Miskin Ernest Moore Montague George Mordy Thomas Morison Lennox James Morgan Douglas Howard Morris John Joseph Mudie Arthur Muklenkamp Fritz Mumford John Tlrwaites Mumford Peter Walter Mumford Raymond Mummenhuff Ernest lluebort Murdoch George Howell Murless Henry Owen Murless Robert Herbert Murnane Gerald Frank William Wilfred Μ Μ
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