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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-474

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472 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES There are three Men Cleric Sections Upon joining all Students including those who attend one evening only are examined and placed in the Section which will give them the help they need If placed in the Second Section they will be moved to the First immediately they are found qualified There is an Upper First Section for Students well acquainted with the First Section course Students who have the whole of their time for preparation are recommended also to attend one evening week in Class where the collective instruction of these Classes is sup- plemented by individual instruction This can be done by an additional payment of £2 2s for the whole course or £1 5s for one period This Class is particularly recommended to those who are very weak in Arithmetic and to those who have only short time for preparation The subjects of examination for Men Clerkships Second Class Clerkships in the India Office and Customs Outport Clerkships are the same Handwriting highest marks at- tainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 400 Copy- ing to test accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing 200 Digesting Returns into Summaries 200 English Compo- sition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 There is Preliminary Examination in the first three of the above subjects Men Clerks -Candidates must be between 17 and 20 About nine-tenths of the Appointments are in London Subject to the convenience of the public service successful candidates are allowed choice of locality and choice of offices Men Clerks rise by triennial increments of £15 from £95 ta £250 in seven-hour offices and from £80 to £200 in six-hour offices The most competent of them may receive extra pay not exceeding £100 year They may after ten years' service be promoted exceptionally to the Higher Division They are at any time eligible for the open Com- "Although the number of Lower Division Clerks promoted to the Higher Division must always bear smaU proportion to the number not so promoted it is not necessary that they should be an insignificant proportion of tht Upper Division On the contrary my Lords look forward to that Division
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