Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 426
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Page content
422 EVENING CLASSES GEOGRAPHY Professor Η Seeley Continuation of course begun in October Summer Term 19 Influences which govern the distribution of life 20 Origin of the chief types of existing life 21 Life of the open ocean and of the sea shore 22 Distribution of plant life 23 24 J-Distribution and grouping on the earth of vertebrate animals 25 The varieties of man 26 The evolution of race characters 27 The industries of European peoples 28 The characteristics of British peoples The Lectures will be illustrated by Experiments and are specially designed with view to meet the requirements of those who may be preparing for the London University Matriculation Examination FRENCH Class -Grammar and Translation -Con1 pfM position-Conversation oiessor moriarty Class II -Grammar-Idioms-Reading Dupuis ARITHMETIC Sayer FINE ART ProfessorDelamotte Class from to PRACTICAL BIOLOGY Martin Sc Friday LATIN Caesar de Bello Gallico VII subject for the University of London Matricula- tion Examination June 1888 Cla -Virg11 GeorgicILand neidXII lp Latin Compositioinoptional lessor warr Class 11 -Henry's First Latin Book-Cor- nelius Nepos Exercises John Lamb Bradley's -Grammar PRACTICAL METALLURGY Assaying and the Study of the Properties of Metals in the Laboratory from to ן PHYSICS Herroun Tutorial Class will be held in this subject having special reference to the requirements of students preparing for the Intermediate Sc and Prelim Sci Examinations of the University of London The methods of solving numerical examples will be fully considered and questions will be set at intervals the written answers being corrected and returned to the students Students will be assumed to have some elementary knowledge of the subject The fee for the course is £1 lis 6d Class from to
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