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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-418

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414 EVENING CLASSES Live Stock -Chemistry and Physiology of Animal Life- The Rearing and Management of Live Stock-The Production of Animal Food-Dairy Management and Produce The Lectures will be especially adapted to prepare students for the Examinations of the Royal Agricultural Society and of the Surveyor's Institute This Course will begin on Friday October 14 and will consist of about Eighteen Lectures 42 SHORTHAND Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday Elementary Clasx from to Advanced Class from to This Class is intended to impart thorough knowledge of Shorthand to the extent of ready corresponding and ver batim reporting The system taught is Phonography which is based upon the principles of representing spoken sounds by specific signs and like sounds by like signs practical knowledge of this system is easily and rapidly acquired The Class Books are the Phonographic Teacher Manual and Reporter's Companion 43 SC AND PREL SC UNIV OF LOND EXAMINATIONS The following course has been arranged for these examinations MATHEMATICS ξ COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ן PRACTICAL BIOLOGY Martin Sc ANIMAL CHEMISTRY iqt τ ηα PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Ju J0HNS0N EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS ס PRACTICAL PHYSICS E' Herroun BOTANY Professor Groves
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