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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-416

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Page content

412 EVENING CLASSES Xllli Charcoal Effect of Carbonizing Wood at varioui temperatures Charcoal burning in heaps and ii kilns Properties and uses of the resulting pro duct Ash of Charcoal VI The Transition of Cellulose mosses wood &c intc Peat Lignite Bituminous and Anthracitic Coals ρ ϊϊν VII Peat Occurrence digging and preparation of Peat for the market Properties and uses of the various qualities Peat Charcoal VIII Coal Occurrence composition classification pro- perties and uses of the different varieties of Coal from Brown Coal Lignites and bituminous coal to Anthracite The getting sorting carriage and storage of Coal Deterioration of Coal by weathering יי Mineral impurities in Coal 46brasses ash &c IX Coke Carbonization in heaps kilns and ovens Conditions of successful Coking Coking as opposed to illuminating gas-making Recent methods for the recovery of tar ammonia and other bye-products Nature and quantity of Coke and products from different processes Sulphur in Coke Dust and Minor Fuels Washing of Coal Con- solidation of dust into Patent Fuels Tan Straw &c XI Liquid Fuels Shale and Mineral Oils American Caucasian and other oil fields Composition pumping distillation and refining of Petroleum XII Gaseous Fuel Occurrence and application of "Natural Gas" Manufacture composition and relative advantages of Coal- Water- Producer- and Blast-furnace Gases Gas for heating and for lighting Siemens' Wilson's and Dowson's gas producers
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