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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-415

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Page content

EVENING CLASSES 413 XIIΓ Furnace Arrangements for Burning Solid Fuel for various purposes Reverberatory- Shaft- and other Metallurgical Furnaces and Kilns Boiler- furnaces The warming of houses by open grates close stoves hot water and air-heating Appliances The Prevention of Smoke XIV Appliances for Burning Liquid Fuel Petroleum &c in Furnaces and for Domestic Purposes XV Furnaces for Utilising Gaseous Fuel Stirling's and Siemens' regenerative systems for Reverberatory Furnaces Cowper's Whitwell's and other Stoves for recovering the Waste Heat of Blast-furnace Gases Gas Stoves and domestic Heating Appliances XVI Calorimetry Pyrometry Analysis The general methods for determining experimentally the composition and Calorific power and intensity of Fuel and the quantity and nature of its Com- bustion products The Evaluation of and Reporting on Fuels XVII Refractory Materials used in Furnace Construction Clay Fire-clay Silica and Basic Bricks Linings of Oxide of Iron Chrome Iron Ore Slag &c 41 AGRICULTURE Day and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to Syllabus Soils -Composition and Properties of Soils-The Atmos- here and Soil as Plant Food-Cultivation of the Soil- mprovement of the Soil Drainage Subsoiling &c Manures -Farmyard Manure and its Treatment-Artificial lanures their Composition and Profitable Application Crops -Chemistry and Physiology of Plant Life The dotation and Treatment of our Principal Farm Crops-The omposition and Value of Agricultural Produce
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