Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 412
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410 EVENING CLASSES Bismuth -The smelting refining and uses of Bismuth Fusible metals Nickel -The means by which nickel is obtained from its ores Grain cast and malleable nickel Indus- trial applications of the metal and its alloys German silver &c Aluminium -Its extraction from aluminous earths Uses of the pure and alloyed metal Aluminium bronze &c Sodium and Potassium Cadmium -Their extraction and uses 39 PRACTICAL METALLURGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to The instruction given to each student is regulated by his special requirements Special attention is given to the following subjects -The Properties of Metals The Relation between the Chemical and the Physical and Mechanical Proper- ties of Metals may be studied with the aid of Testing Machinery II -The Preparation of Alloys and the Study of their Properties III -The Methods of Assaying by Fire the Ores of Lead Silver Gold Iron Copper Tin &c IV -The Blowpipe Analysis of Minerals and Alloys -The Study of the Materials used for Pottery Glass Enamels &c VI -The Wet Assay of Iron Copper Silver &c VII -The Complete Analysis of Mineral Substances Slags Fuels &c VIII -Gas Analysis IX -Electrometallurgy
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