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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-408

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406 EVENING CLASSE contractu-negotiorum gestio-obiigations ex delicto- furtum -injaria-negligence-Lex Aqnilia-obligations quasi ex delicto Text book Sandars' "Justinian 36 VOCAL MUSIC Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to This Class is for the practice of Sight-Singing and the Elements of Music 37 FINE ART Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Tliursday from to The Classes in Fine Art which are established by the aid of the City and Guilds of London Institute are open to Students on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from to beginning Tuesday October 4th On Tuesday evenings at o'clock there will be lecture on some branch of Fine Art or on Constructive or Applied Design Individual technical instruction will be given to beginners in Freehand Drawing in Outline from flat copies and Drawing from the solid models For Students more advanced-Ornamental drawing from the solid Drawing from the Antique Painting from the Flat and fiom the round in Monochrome Painting from the life The following branches of Fine Art will be included in the course viz The Study of Plant Form as applied to general Decoration Drawing on Wood Painting on China Etching on Copper &c 'u Prizes The following Prizes are offered in the ensuing year By Messrs Winsor and Newton For the best Study in Oils from the Antique Box of Oil Colours For the best Study in Water-Colours from Nature Box of Water Colours
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