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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-407

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EVENING CLASSES 405 he Student who obtains the second largest number of marks the Examinations mentioned in the preceding clause The foregoing Prizes will not be awarded to any Student vho fails to obtain three-fourths of the allotted marks in ach of the Examinations for which he presents himself to any Student who is on the 1st of February 1888 Jarrister or Solicitor nor to any Student who has btained Special Law Prize in any preceding Session COLLEGE PRIZE The College Prize will be given to the Student who passes lighest in the General Examination but does not obtain Special Prize 35 ROMAN LAW Two courses of about Twelve Lectures each will be given Tuesday and Friday evenings from to o'clock 3eginning Tuesday October 25 1887 and January 31 1888 jy James Gault Barrister-at-Law These Lectures will embrace complete course for the Bar examination in this subject and will include Translations rom the Latin text and study of questions set at previous Examinations The Lectures will be in the following order The Sources of Law The Law of Persons -Slavery and freedom-manumission -those sui juris and those alieni juris-patria potestas- narriage-adoption-capitis de minutio-tutors and curators Law of Things -Division of things-ownership and posses- ύυη-servitudes-usufructs-use-habitatio-emphyteusis Testamentary Succession Wills heirs -disinhersion- substitution-Lex Falcidia-donatio mortis causa-legacies- codicils-trusts Obligations -Different kinds of contracts formal by con- sent and part performance sale hire partnership &c -the parties-suretyship-mandate-novatio- obligations quasi ex
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