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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-403

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EVENING CLASSES 401 29 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PRACTICAL BIOLOGY ANIMAL ays and Hours of Attendance-Monday from to and to The animals forming the subjects of investigation will be lose required for the Lond Univ Sc intermediate and relim Sc Exams viz -Amoeba Paramoecium Vorticella ydra Earthworm Fluke Distoma Snail Crayfish or 10bster Frog Fowl or Pigeon and Rabbit From to lecture-demonstration will be given and om to the students will personally dissect and otherwise xamine the animals for themselves The Course will be illustrated by Diagrams Museum pecimens Fresh Dissections and Microscopic Preparations The fee inclusive of animals for dissection is Ā£4 105 BOOKS RECOMMENDED Comparative Anatomy and Physiology by Bell Jassell and Co Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates by Wiedersheim VTacmillan and Co The Frog by Milnes Marshall Practical Zoology by Milnes Marshall and Hurst Smith llder and Co 30 LOGIC Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The Subjects of this Course of Lectures will be those which re prescribed for the London University About two- lirds of the Course-Michaelmas Term and part of Lent erm-will be devoted to Formal Logic The ground and 1ethods of Induction will form the subjects of the remaining ctures Text Books Fowler's Deductive and Inductive Logic Jlarendon Press Deductive Logic by Ray tfacmillan Keynes5 Formal Logic Macmillan
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