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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-346

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344 department for ladies Second Restoration French Constitutional Struggles The Spanish and Italian Revolutions Greek Independence The reign of Charles and the fall of the Legitimate Monarchy in France 1830 Easter Term 1888 Monarchy of Louis Philippe The Zollverein in Germany The Revolutions of 1848 The reaction The Coup cPEtat The Empire restored The Crimean War 1854 The Italian War 1859 The Prussian-Austrian War 1866 The Ger- man-French War 1870-1 Later European movements ANCIENT HISTORY Thursday 3-4 By Professor Warr First Course Michaelmas Term 1887 The Early History of Greece in relation to the Homeric poetry The Greeks in contact with the East significance of the legends-2 Pre-historic sites Mycenae Tiryns Ilium etc -3 The Phoenicians invention of alphabetic writing- The Greeks in Asia Minor iEolians and Ionians-5 The legend of the Trojan war its origin-6 Heroic legends Helen Achilles Odysseus-7 The early Greek religion the Homeric Olympus-8 The Achaean civilisation-9 The early Hellenic civilisation-10 The introduction of writing in Greece Second Course Lent Term 1888 The Homeric Poetry The composition of the "Iliad" and "Odyssey"-
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