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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-342

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340 department for ladies Easter Term 1888 The Holy Communion Service The Baptismal Offices The Church Catechism and Order of Confirmation The Occasional Offices Session 1887 8- CHURCH HISTORY Monday 12-1 Rev Prof Curteis Michaelmas Term 1-300 First Century Preparations for Christianity-Corruption and perversion of Judaism under the Herods-Crushing in- fluence of the Roman Empire-Curious Messianic literature -The "fullness of times come at last-Jesus of Nazareth- The XII and St Paul-The Zealots-Destruction of Jerusalem -St John-Literature and ritual in the first century Second Century Heresy-Bracing up of Church discipline-Hadrian's insatiable curiosity-Jewish fanaticism Heathen philosophy -A glimpse into primitive Christendom-Its foes-Literature and ritual in the second century Third Centunj The University of Alexandria-Development of the hierarchy- Oriental and semi-Christian emperors- 7iolent reaction under Decius-The Canon of Scripture-Literature and ritual in the third century Lent Term 300-500 Fourth Century Diocletian's new departure-Constantine -Abrupt passage of the Church from deepest gloom to bright- est prosperity-Council of Nicsea-Rome abandoned to the popes-Absurdities of Julian the Apostate-Theodosius and his sons-East and West divided-Monasticism-Growth of
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