Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 337
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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 335 once week for ten in the following subjects ד י Madame RANDEGGER Miss BANKS Miss MAYFIELD Miss MONK Miss CROSS SINGING Fees Days £4 Monday Tuesday יו ft ft Hours ft ft ft ft ft ft £3 Tuesday Thursday Wednesday 2-4 11-1 11-1 Madame HAAS ft ft ft Mrs BUCKNELL EYRE Miss SASSE PIANO £4 Tuesday £3 Tuesday Thursday ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 11-1 11-1 10-12 Miss SHINNER ft Miss BROWNING ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft VIOLIN £4 Friday £4 Wednesday 2-4 10-12 Miss HEMMINGS ft ft VIOLONCELLO £3 Friday ft ft ft 2-4 For the above fees "each Student is allowed half an-hour individual instruction every week but may remain in the room during the preceding or succeeding half an hour's lesson listening to the instruction given If additional lessons are ן desired the fee will be proportionately increased Students younger than the usual age of admission to the Glasses 16 may at the discretion of the Lady Superintendent be admitted to the Musical Classes
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