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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-312

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308 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT He shall keep record of such cases of interest in the Department for the Diseases of Women and Children as the Physician-Accoucheur may need He shall report to the Dean of the Medical Department by the 1st of January and the 1st of July respectively the attendance of Students on Midwifery cases Assistant House--Accoucheur -The subjects of the examina- tion for this office are the same as those required for the office of Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant He shall have served the office of In-Patient Clinical Clerk for the Phy- sician for Diseases of Women and Children and Physician- Accoucheur or Out-Patient Clerk to the Assistant Physician for Diseases of Women and Children He shall unless specially exempted by the Committee 01 the Hospital reside in the Hospital No Student is eligible to enter on the duties of this office al period later than five years and half from the time his Matriculation or year of standing see page 256 in the Medical Department Candidates mav be admitted to examination for this offic before they have obtained their diplomas to practice medicine but will not be allowed to enter upon their duties until sue diplomas have been obtained Out-Patient Dressers -There shall be eighteen Out-Patien Dressers six for each Assistant-Surgeon They shall have attended diligently six months' Surgical Practice The vivc voce examination shall be principally in Anatomy th written examination principally in Surgery including als writing Prescriptions in both cases having particular refe rence to the nature of Out-Patient Surgery They shal attend punctually on the days of the Surgeon under whoir they may be serving for the purpose of dressing patients ir the Surgery and registering the patients under the directioi of the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in attendance
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