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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-293

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 289 he Clerk or Dresser together with reference to the more omplete entry in the Books of the Pathological Registrar ן The Reports of all Cases shall be at the disposal of the hysician or Surgeon under whose care they were admitted at they shall be the property of the Hospital and shall be ept in the Registrar's room for reference3 unless when equired by the Physician or Surgeon It shall be the duty of the Registrar at the end of his erm of Office or on his retirement to hand over personally ο his successor all the Case-books &c in such way as to revent all risk of confusion or interruption in the fulfilment the duties of the office No Registrar to leave his work for more than two davs rithout providing substitute of whose competency the hysicians or Surgeons are satisfied The duty of Registrar for the cases under the care the Obstetric Physician's Assistant to be performed in le manner already specified by the Obstetric Physician's assistant 10 The Case-books together with the Registers of Admis- ion and Discharge to be submitted to the Medical Board just the Registered Cases have hitherto been 11 The Registrars to be responsible for keeping all the ases thoroughly indexed and for the safe custody of all the ecords enumerated above 12 These Rules are not designed to set aside or to super de any of the Regulations already laid down in the Calendar ncerning the Sambrooke Registrarships 13 The Registrars are also appointed Medical and Surgical utors for their term of office Candidates for these offices must send in their names ac mpaniedin the case of application for re-appointment bv le Certificates named in Regulation VI to the Secretary the College before the 1st of November in each year id those elected Registrars must enter on their duties on le 1st of January following Τ
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