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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-271

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 267 XVII ENDOWED PRIZES The interest of 300Z bequeathed by the late Leathes Isq is expended annually in the purchase of Bible and 'rayer-Bcok which are given to the two Medical Students ho are found most worthy of the same for their proficiency religious knowledge and for general good conduct All Matriculated Students of this Department may be andidates for these Prizes Candidates must produce ertificates of good conduct of regular attendance on the ivinity Lectures and Certificates of having passed two of be Terminal Examinations mentioned at page 235 Clause The next Examination will be held on Monday and Tuesday October and 1887 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to he Dean of the Medical Department before two o'clock Friday September 30 and after this hour no name will be eceived The following will be the subjects for Examination in 1887 Old Testament -Psalms 1-89 New Testament -The Gospel of St John Prayer-Book -The Communion Service including the Collects The following will be the subjects for Examinationin 1888 Old Testament -The Pentateuch New Testament -The Acts of the Apostles Prayer-Book -The Morning and Evening Services Names of Prizemen For the Names of those elected previously to 1866 seethe Calendar for JSf 1866 Milles George Ridley 1867 Beach Fletcher Kidger Alfred Armitage
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