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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-260

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206 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT The "Inglis" Scholarships for English Literature and Modern History the ΟΙοΐΙτίνοΛβ Exhibitions for Science the "Daniell" Scholarship for Chemistry the uCarter" Prizes and Gold Medals for Botany and for original English Verse and the Stephen Prize for an English Essay are also open to them They alone can hold the offices of- PhvsicianJs Assistant Physician Accoucheur's Assistant House Surgeons Assistant House Physician Assistant House Accoucheur Ophthalmic Clinical Assistant Clinical Clerks to In-patients Dressers to In-patients Students who come to King's College from other Medical Schools and matriculate will rank in the College and Hospital according to their year of study in accordance with the regulations of the Examining Bodies Provided they take the whole of the remainder of their education at the College pay the full amount of fees required for per- petuai admission to the Hospital attend Lectures at the College on all the subjects in which they will be examined otherwise conform to the regulations laid down in each case respectively-they will be eligible to compete for the Second Year and Senior Scholarships for the Warneford Leathes Jelf Todd and Tanner Prizes and for all Hospital appointments Those of them who have already held Out- patients'appointments as Clinical Clerks and Dressers for periods of six months at recognized Hospital or Medical School certificates of which must be produced will not be required to serve similar offices at King's College Hospital but will be allowed to compete at once for In-patient Clerkships and Dresserships Each Student before Matriculation must produce atesti- monial of good moral character and when admitted by the Principal must subscribe his name to Declaration that he
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