Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 199
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Page content
APPLIED SCIENCES 195 The Blowpipe Analysis of Minerals and Alloys VI The Study of the Materials used for Pottery Glass Enamels &c VII The Wet Assay of Iron Copper Silver &c VIII The complete Analysis of Mineral Substances Slags Solid Fuels &c IX The Analysis of Gaseous Fuels Furnace Gases &c Calorimetry and Pyrometry Methcds of determining he practical value of any given Fuel XI Electro-metallurgy XII The Applications of the Spectroscope and the Micro- cope to Metallurgical Research 14 Engineering Workshops Matriculated Students Wo Wood The Workshop is well provided writh the necessary Carpenters' Tices and Benches together with Hand-Lathes Geared and Icrew-cutting Lathes Planing Drilling and other Machine- 001s The Foundry is furnished with Cupola Brass urnaces Drying-stoves and other suitable appointments he Smith's Shop contains forges and well-selected stock tools Steam-engine is placed in the vicinity of the Vorkshop by which the lathes machine-tools and foundry- 111 are driven Model Room is attached to the Workshop which are kept exercises examples and models to be ן forked to by the Students with the cost of the materials quired for construction attached to each one II Students of the First Year on joining the department are lade acquainted with the different Tools and their practical pplication to the purposes of Carpenters' and Pattern-makers י ork by going through the processes of preparing the wood itting out and forming from figured drawings prepared by lemselves the various joints used in constructions of wood Ν
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