Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 192
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188 APPLIED SCIENCES Nitrogen -Its functions in the Atmosphere Determination of the proportions of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Air Carbon -Diamond and Graphite or Plumbago-their uses Lamp Black Charcoal Distillation of Wood Animal Char- coal or Bone-black-its use in Sugar-refining Coal and its varieties-their applications for Heating and Lighting Carbonic Acid Respiration Fermentation Accidents from Carbonic Acid in Wells &c Testing state of Air in Dwelling-rooms Ventilation Soda-water Importance of Carbonic Acid in Agriculture Salts of Carbonic Acid Pearl- ash Alkali Lime-stones White Lead &c Carbonic Oxide Its value in Metallurgic operations Roasting of Copper-ores Manufacture ol Gas free from Sul- phur Preparation of Carbonic Oxide Oxalic Acid Hydrocarbons -Manufacture of Coal-gas Relative values of its constituents Chemical valuation of Gas Explosions in Coalmines Safety-lamps Illuminating Flames Gas- burners Petroleums and Paraffin Oils Use of the Blow- pipe Ammonia -Valuation of Nitrogenized Manures Formation of Saltpetre Nitric Acid -r Distillation of Aquafortis Uses of Nitric Acid in assaying and analysis of metallic alloys Preparation of Gun Cotton Fulminate of Mercury Nitroglycerine Nitrobenzol Picric Acid Nitrates Gunpowder Chlorine -Extraction from Salt Bleaching Disinfecting Action of Chlorine on Metals and on organic substances Chloroform Chloral Chloride of Lime Hydrochloric Acid -Manufacture of Alkali Chlorate of Potash -Detonating Fuzes Use of Chlorates in Fireworks Aqua Regia -Mode of Dissolving and Testing Gold Bromine -Iodine -Iodide of Potassium Iodine-scarlet Fluorine -Fluor Spar Etching on Glass Sulphur Metallic Ores containing Sulphur Mineral
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