Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 138
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134 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE The regular Course of Instruction in this Department extends over through three Academical Years Each Year consists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term from the beginning of October to the week before Christmas Lent Term from the middle of January to the week before Easter Easter Term from Easter to the beginning of July Pupils who have passed two years in King's College School or in one of the Schools in Union have attained the age of Sixteen and have spent at least one Term in the highest class of such School before leaving it and if coming fron School in Union have passed with distinc- tion the Examination held at the time of their joining the College are allowed upon their Entrance to this De- partment to take rank with Students of the Fourth Term Personal application must be made at the time of 1trance to the Secretary in order to secure this advantage Such Students in all competitions for Prizes will be considered as he- longi71y to the Second year There is an Examination every year for all Students at the end of the Michaelmas and Easter Terms At these Examiua- tions the Students are classed according to their proficiency At the close of each Easter Term Prizes and Certificates are awarded according to the following rules In each Class there will be oifered Prize or Certificate of Honour to the Student who shall be highest in the examination provided he shall gain not less than three-fourths of the marks allotted to the subject Certificates of Distinction -One Certificate to each of the Students next in succession who shall gain not less than three-fourths of the marks allotted to the subject
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