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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1887-1888-134

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130 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE The Course will include instruction in the use of the blow- pipe will be illustrated by very extensive collection of rocks and minerals and will be of practical character 11 -Geology Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms Saturday from 11 30 to 12 30 This Course is given in order to instruct the Students in the principles of Geology In the Michaelmas Term the Lectures will have reference to the Palaeozoic Strata and their fossils in the Lent Term to the Mesozoic series and in the Easter Term to the Tertiary rocks and to the stone bronze and iron ages There will be Field Lecture in the Easter Term The Course will be illustrated by large collection of diagrams and specimens and will be practical in its character 12 -Logic and Metaphysics Lectures are given in these subjects on Wednesdays from to Each Course will run through Three Terms will consist of about Thirty Lectures and is intended to give such general knowledge of the subject as every educated man may be expected to possess The requirements of the and Sc Examinations of the University of London will be constantly kept in view 13 -Physical Geography Saturday from 12 30 to 30 The object of this course is to explain the various pheno mena of tile earth's surface as consequences of the modes 01 action of the forces-heat gravitation &c and to show ho the distribution of plants animals and of the human race it
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