Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 117
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theological department 113 XIX wordsworth latin prize The Counoil gives to this Department in each year copy of the late Bishop Wordsworth's Greek Testament in memory of the Bishop by w7hom for some years this Prize was presented Junior Prize in the same subject is also given senior prize This Prize is open for competition to those Students of the first division of Latin who have passed the examina- tion at the end of their third term or who are Graduates or Deacons It will be competed for annually at the beginning of the October Term The examination will be in writing and the subject for October 1888 will be The first two Books of Cicero de Natura Deorum The Fourth Rook of Aligustine deDoctrina Christiana with Translations from English into Latin j' Λ junior prize This Prize is open for competition to Students of the second division in Latin who are otherwise qualified as above stated יי Λ יי r' It will be competed for annually at the beginning of he October Term The Examination will be in writing and the subject of Examination will be י The Second Book of Cicero de Natura Deorum with easv Translations from English into Latin η
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