Calendar: 1887-1888 Page 111
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 107 EVENING CLASSES Subject Τη Th 7-9 Old Testament and Hebrew 7-9 6-7 Dogmatic Theology --י 7-8 7-9 8-9 Greek Testament Ecclesiastical History --- 7-8 Pastoral Theology 8-9 Michaelmas and Lent Terms XII athletic club The Council have taken large piece of land close to Worm wood Scrubbs Station as recreation ground for the College and School and an Athletic Club has been formed for its management All Matriculated Students of this Department are members of the Athletic Club and entitled to its privi- leges All Occasional Students are admitted on payment of 105 6d for each Academical Year XIII the associateship All Students of this Department who have received the final Testamur are eligible by the Council as Associates of King's College London fee of £1 Is is charged for the Diploma The privileges of Associates are perpetual free admis- sion to all Lectures forming the regular Matriculated-Students Course in this Department the use of the Libraries and Museums under the regulations which apply to Students and the liberty of dining at the High Table in the College Hall
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