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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-85

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REPORT 81 Dr Ε Μ Crookshank distinguished student of the Department and of great reputation as Bacteriologist has been appointed Demonstrator of Physiology in succession to Mr Groves King's College Hospital like other institutions of the same kind has of late been in great want of funds prin- cipally owing to the falling off of Legacies With the kind advice and support of the Lord Mayor special appeal at the Mansion House in its behalf has in some measure relieved its immediate necessities and Legacy of £10 000 will shortly accrue to it but it needs the active help of its friends and the Council hope that all who are interested in King's College will do their utmost to obtain further support for its work -The Evening Classes show considerable diminution in numbers notwithstanding the recent reduction of Fees The prevalent commercial depression is perhaps specially felt in this Department but there is no doubt that its organi- sation may require modification in consequence of the deve- lopment of instruction of similar kind by other agencies in London This question consequently has been under the careful consideration of the Principal and the Board of the Department and they hope to recommend some salutary changes -Since the last Report the Council have incorporated into the system of the College as one of its Departments the Classes for Ladies at Kensington established by the late Principal with their sanction in 1879 The Department is established in freehold house in Kensington Square Miss Schmitz to whose energetic management the success of the classes hitherto is largely due has been appointed Lady Superintendent and Secretary to the Ladies' Classes and full programme of instruction is now included in the Calendar The result has fully justified the expectations which the Council were led to entertain the number of students
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