Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 759
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Page content
INEEX 761 PAGE Political Economy Evening Class- Lectures 412 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Portuguese Evening Class- Lectures 394 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Post-mortem Clerks 326 Practical Biology- Lectures 254 411 Hours 276 423 Fees 277 424 Practical Chemistry Morn Class- Instruction 146 206 255 Fees 157 221 276 Hours of Attendance 158 222 277 Practical Chemistry Evening Class- Instruction 402 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Practical Physiology- Lectures 253 Fees 276 Hours 277 Practical Surgery- Lectures 258 Fees 276 Prelim Arts Exam Med Dep 267 Prelim ScienceExam Med Dep 268 Principals Names of 46 Principal and Staff 41 Principal's Prizes- College 174 School 528 Prizes Annual- Dogmatic Theology 129 Wordsworth 130 Leitner 131 German Professor 147 Classical Professor 174 The Principal's 174 528 Wilbraham 177 Gilbart Lectures 400 Lord Coleridge 44ן Stevens and Sons Cunningham 433 Manuel 436 Debating Club 528 PAGE Prizes Endowed- Jelf Medals 91 Trench 125 McCaul 127 Plumptre 132 Barry 133 142 189 252 387 526 Drew 173 Carter 175 289 Stephen 175 Brewer 176 S'emens 228 Tennant 229 Leathes 282 Warneford 283 Todd 286 Tanner 288 Maclear 525 Professorships &c Endowed- Chinese Language 165 Economic Science Tooke 165 Banking Gilbart 166 Professors and Masters Names of- Theological Department 106 General Lit Department 139 Engineering Department 187 Medical Department 249 Ladies' Classes 341 Evening Classes 383 Civil Service Classes 472 The School 499 Psychological Medicine- Instruction 261 Public Reading &c MorningClass- Lectures 107 Fees 122 Hours of Attendance 123 Public Reading &c Evening Class- Lectures 412 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Babbeth Scholarship- Endowment 93 Rules 299 Residence of Students- Pupils of School 513 In College 563 In Private Families 568 Rules for Students 102 Salter's Exhibition- Regulations 521 Sambrooke Registrarships- Endowment 91 Regulations 301 Names of Registrars 305
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