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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-756

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758 INDEX PAGE French Morning Class- Lectures 14 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 French Evening Class- Lectures 389 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Fuels &c Lectures 420 Fees 424 Hours 426 General Arrangements General Lit Science Dep of- Professors' Names 139 Syllabus of Lectures 141 Reg respecting Students 150 Associateship Rules for the 154 Fees 156 AthleticClub 156 Hours of Attendance 158 Science Course 163 Exhibitions 171 Prizemen 177 Names of Students 182 Oriental Section 183 Geography Morning Class- Lectures 149 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 Geography Evening Class- Lectures 394 Fees 424 Hours 426 Geology Morning Class- Lectures 147 207 Fees 157 221 Hours of Attendance 158 222 Geology Evening Class Lectures 410 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 German Morning Class Lectures 147 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 German Evening Class- Lectures 390 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Gilbart Lectures- Endowment 92 Regulations 166 Lectures 400 Prizemen 457 PAGE Governors Names of 39 Greek Morning Class- Lectures 142 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 Greek Evening Class- Lectures 388 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Greek Test Evening Classes- Lectures 387 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Gymnasium 503 Head Master's Prizes 526 Hebrew- Fees 122 Hours of Attendance 123 Higher Branches of Literature- Lectures 141 History Morning Class- Lectures 146 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 History Evening Class- Lectures 392 Fees 424 Hours of Attendance 426 Honours gained by former Pupils- University of Oxford 587 University of Cambridge 589 University of Durham 592 University of London 593 Indian Services 604 Hoods Theological Department 125 House Surgeons- Regulations 326 Names of 333 Hospital King's College- Staff 251 Committee 263 Fees for Students 277 Hours of Attendance 278 Hygiene- Lectures 107 261 Fees 122 276 Hours 123 277 Inglis Scholarships Endowment 90 Rules 168 517
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