Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 750
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752 GILBART PRIZES XIV &ilb1 xt Jrtjcs for Itonftfn Has partner an incidental authority to bind his co-partners in the name of the firm by guarantee of debt to third person John Thomas and Brown were jointly concerned in the sale of Butters John consigned to Brown and he sold them on their joint account Thomas being requested to accept bills for the firm refused to do so without some security when Brown engaged that if Thomas paid the bill he would repay him out of the proceeds received for the Butters already sold Thomas accepted and paid the bill Could Thomas sue Brown for money had and received to his use Lewis partner in firm carrying on the business of Solicitors gave without the knowledge of his partners pro- missory note in the joint name of the firm as security for sum of money advanced to him by John and applied the money for his own private use Was the note binding on the partners What is the difference between Partnerships en cam- mandite and Partnerships en nom collect as regards the rights of Creditors Give brief chronological view of the Joint Stock Companies' Acts and their main purposes What is held to be ultra vires as regards the Directors only and as regards both the Directors and the Company itself in Joint Stock Companies Who has authority to sign Bills and Notes in Partnerships and Joint Stock Companies and how should the authority be exercised so as to bind the Partnership or the Company What means are afforded by the French and Italian laws on Companies for the protection of members and creditors that are not provided for by the law in this country
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