Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 740
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742 CLOTHWORKERS SCIENCE EXHIBITIONS Î’ Write general account of the egg-cell and describe the early stages of its development Compare the respiratory organs of the Cockroach and freshwater Mussel Describe the digestive apparatus of the Frog Write brief account of the distinctive characters of the chief groups of the Chordata Give history of the renal organs of Vertebrates Explain and illustrate the process of intracellular digestion VIII iifltneralogn What is plane of symmetry State the systems in which Augite Mundic and Mar- casite crystallise Define vitreous and resinous lustre and give examples of minerals displaying those appearances Refer to the blowpipe characteristics of Antimonite and Cassiterite How is the specific gravity of mineral determined Give the chemical composition of Gypsum Calcite Hematite and Corundum Name and describe two of the Zinc ores Write short account of the Felspars and the Micas
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