Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 736
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738 CLOTH WORKERS' SCIENCE EXHIBITIONS III -jfMedjaniMf Define the resultant of any number of forces If three forces acting at point are in equilibrium prove that each is equal to the resultant of the other two and opposite in direction Define the term Centre of Mass pole 60 ft long balances on log put under it 35 ft from one end and it also balances on the log put under its centre when mass of 00 lbs is placed at one end and one of 160 lbs at the other find the mass of the pole Find the power necessary to sustain weight of 100 lbs with three movable pulleys and one fixed pulley arranged according to the first system the weight of each pulley being lb State the theorem known as "the Triangle of Forces'' and use this theorem to find the relation between the Power and Weight in the case of an inclined plane when the Power acts parallel to the plane when the Power acts parallel to the base of the plane State the three Laws of Motion Give an example of each and shew how the First and Third laws may be approxi- mately proved by Attwood's machine body is projected upwards with velocity of 257 ft per second and at the same instant another is let fall from the same spot when will they have passed over equal spaces How far has the second gone when the first reaches the ground 322 Define "Work "Energy plane rises in and block of wood is projected up it with velocity of 60 ft per second find how far up the plane the body will go 1st sup- posing the plane to be smooth 2nd supposing the plane to be rough the weight of the wood to be 10 lbs and the coefficient of friction Find also how much kinetic and how much potential energy there will be after the lapse of second Shew how to find the range greatest height and time of flight of projectile on horizontal plane
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