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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-724

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726 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS quid accident abs te ration em reposcent qui si per te liceat perendino die cum proximis hibernis conjunct communem cum reliquis belli casum sustineant nec reject et relegati longe ab ceteris aut ferro aut fame intereant Write the above speech in oratio obliqua Derive perendinus Explain the phrases De tertia vigilia-testudine facta- stipendio liberatus-turres contabulantur pinnae loricaeque ex cratibus attexuntur-calones Give summary of Caesar's description of Britain and its inhabitants δ of his account of the Druids and the Druidical religion What localities are denoted by the names Suevi iEdui Treviri Sequani and the Hercynia silva' Translate into Latin Ca3sar having left Labienus with 000 cavalry to look after the supplies and take measures according to circum- stances himself set sail at sunset The chief command was entrusted by the Britons to Casivelaunus Caesar demanded hostages from the enemy and promised to take their state under his protection Having started at midnight he brought all the ships safe to land at He said that day was fixed for attacking all the winter- quarters at once so as to prevent one legion from assisting another What' he exclaimed could be more disgraceful than to form their plans on the advice of the enemy י He considered it certain that Ambiorix would not offer battle VII -£ηιορϊ 0π clUmca II Translate α Ανσ-ανδρος δε ןן ל επιονστ ννκτί 67Γ6Ϊ όρθρος ην έσημηνεν els τάς νανς άριστοποιησαμζνους βίσβαίνειν' πάντα 86 παρασκενασάμςνος ώς els ναυμαχίαν κα τά παραβλήματα παραβολών προύπεν ως μη8ε ς
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