Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 715
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INGLIS SCHOLARSHIPS 717 VI Fully illustrate the statement that 'the internal con- nexion י between Doctor Faustus and Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay is indisputable Give brief account of the Faustus story and its treat" ment up to Marlow's time and since Make an outline of Marlow's play Point out any additions and interpolations Discuss the character of Faust as rendered by Marlow Write short life of the historical Roger Bacon What is known historically of Bungay Who are Ermsby Simnell Vandermast Miles and Joan and what part do they play in the drama of Green's you have read Where is the drama localized Compare and contrast the geniuses of Marlow and Green 10 Explain these quotations and say in what context they occur Is not thy commo talk found aphorisms Are not thy bills hung up as monuments δ Yea stranger engines for the brunt of war Than was the fiery keel at Antwerp's bridge Like Almain rutters with their horsemen's staves He speaks Dutch fustian Instead of Troy shall Wittenberg be sacked Cote him and court her to control the clown Thomas maids when they come to see the fair Count not to make cope for dearth of hay
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